Take the First Step

Take the first step, and your mind will mobilize all its forces to your aid. But the first essential is that you begin. Once the battle is startled, all that is within and without you will come to your assistance.
~ Robert Collier ~

Most of us have areas of our lives we’d like to improve.  It could be our career, relationship, fitness, or maybe an overhaul on our mental or emotional state.

Although tackling this might sound like a huge undertaking, it all starts with taking that first step.

Does that sound too daunting to even consider?

I get like that sometimes.  So full of overwhelm, I don’t even know what the first step is!

What helps me is to find people who have previously walked that particular path successfully, then follow the steps they did to get there.  Following in their successful footsteps helps me chart my own path to reach my goals.

Over the years, I have been totally fascinated by other’s success stories and learned some valuable truths about taking the first step.

There are some definite DONT’S …

  • Don’t wait to start something until the situation is absolutely perfect, because that will NEVER happen.
  • Don’t wait until all the people in my life align with my goals. If I wait for a general consensus, I will never, ever start.
  • Don’t wait until I am good at something before I start. Yeah, that sounds a little crazy to even say out loud because how can I get good at something unless I start doing it?!?

Those who achieve great things usually go through a similar process — they don’t wait; they start now:

Start now to dream.  Everything begins in the heart and mind.  All great achievements started with someone’s “WHAT IF” question.  Be a dreamer and DREAM BIG … seriously, what is the harm?

Start now to believe.  Believing validates your dreams.

Start now to see it.  All great success stories have a visualization of some sort at their core.  People SEE their dreams being fulfilled way before they happen.

Start now to talk about it.  Spread the word!  As we continually talk about our dreams, we begin to believe it more and more AND it holds us accountable.

Start now to plan it.  There is a technique called “backward planning” where you start with where you want to end up and work backward to develop your plan.

Start now to work it.  Yeah, just like with anything, it takes action to move forward.  Short term tasks multiplied by time equals long-term accomplishments.

Start now to enjoy it.  Ralph Waldo Emerson said “It’s the not the destination, it’s the journey.”  Have fun with the process.

Have you dared to dream big?  Would you like some help in determining what your dreams might be and then how to go about realizing them?  In my Create Your Life Online Vision Board Workshop we will be working on discovering our dreams and then developing an action plan to accomplish them.  If you would like to know more, please click here.

Remember this …

“Vision is the spectacular that inspires us to carry out the mundane.” ~ Chris Widener

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