My Guilty Pleasure(s)

The ability to be in the present moment is a major component of mental wellness. ~ Abraham Maslow


Today’s topic is about my guilty pleasure.  Seriously?  Just one?  ::giggle::

I think more people would indulge in this magnificent slice of life if it wasn’t attached to a word signifying a sensation of shame.

A long time ago I redefined guilty pleasure to mean something that feels decadent and indulgent.  Something that not only energizes and ignites me, but also allows me to recharge and find peace.

There are many things I can’t control, some eliciting a sense of guilt or regret; however, I refuse to feel badly about the things I should enjoy.  And since I can’t name just one, here are some of my Not-So-Guilty Pleasures:

• Watching Justin Timberlake videos on YouTube
• Grabbing 3 L. Frances caramels every time I make a visit to CVS
• Early morning binge re-watching of 80’s/90’s TV Shows/Movies
• Pedicures
• Pumpkin Spice Lattes from Starbucks (so happy they are seasonal)
• People watching
• Beer at the beach
• Singing and dancing to Walking on Sunshine, in my car, in the shower, anywhere
• Crafting
• Following DIY anything
• Watching Tiny House anything
• Mexican food
• Snuggling with baby girl watching TV
• Eating breakfast for dinner
• Peanut butter on banana
• Going to a movie by myself
• Diamond Digger (phone game)
• Rescue dog videos

Honestly, I could go on and on, maybe a Part 2?  HA!  Tomorrow, it’s all about me again … 3 Personality Traits I Am Proud Of.

Peace Out, Biz

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