Word of the Year 2023: Focus

Always remember, your focus determines your reality.
~ George Lucas ~

In The Phantom Menace, Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn says the above to the very young Anakin Skywalker. 

In the mythical storytelling world of Star Wars, the force plays a prominent role in the goings on of various characters. The primary purpose of the light side of the force was to protect, persuade and provide great physical feats when necessary. The dark side, however, used the force for nefarious reasons which brought about characters such as Darth Vader and all the havoc he caused in the Universe.

Either way, the force was a form of extreme focus on getting something done. By laser focusing on the task at hand, the results they got were usually the ones they had set the intention in the beginning for.

That is powerful.

Which is the reason I am choosing the word Focus to be my touchstone for the New Year of 2023.

With all the definitions of the word Focus, this is the one that spoke directly to me:

a state or condition permitting clear perception or understanding

Our minds are exceedingly plastic and they have the amazing ability to reshape themselves.* Through the practice of self-examination and contemplation time, one can take advantage of that malleability and shape their mind to produce beneficial directions. 

In other words, whatever we pay attention to, the details we pick out and give importance to, that determines the results we achieve.


Ok, got it … the TFAR model states: your thoughts lead to your feelings, which lead to your actions, which lead to your results … where I am struggling is the thoughts portion, which is where I need to FOCUS

(Last thought: A state or condition PERMITTING ← did you notice that? I need to be in a state or condition that allows a clear understanding of something. This means I need to take TIME to consider what I am focusing on to make sure they fit with my ultimate goals. Which means I have to take TIME to consider what my ultimate goals are. HA! Round and round I go. Which proves why this is the perfect word for me for 2023!)

*If you want a trippy read, get a hold of the book “The Brain that Changes Itself” by Norman Doidge, M.D. … fantastic look into how we can actually change the structure and function of our brains.

Word of the Year ~ 2023

Handle them carefully, for words have more power than atom bombs. ~ Pearl Strachan Hurd

It’s that time of year when we start to think about resolutions.  What we want new and different in the coming year.

This year, instead of a list of resolutions, how about choosing a Word of the Year.

This focus word will serve as a touchstone for all the changes you want to see in the coming months.

Why the shift from resolutions? Because they don’t work.  You know why?  Because they address only one part of your life.  The DO level.

It’s the:

I will DO this thing (lose weight) …

So that I can HAVE this other thing (self-esteem) …

and then I can BE this thing (confident).

The DO-HAVE-BE model doesn’t address the core issues and doesn’t change our approach.

A better solution and better model is — BE-DO-HAVE:

I will BE this thing now (my goal weight)

By DOING this thing now (change my eating habits)

So that I can HAVE these other things (all the things a fit body can desire).

When we start from the BE level, imagining ourselves already there, then this shifts our thinking patterns creating a new reality and the DO (what would a person at this weight eat, exercise, sleep, think about themselves) and HAVE levels follow more easily.

By choosing one umbrella word serving as a touchstone, shining a light by which we determine our actions, and being a constant reminder to live life at the BE level, will support all the new changes we are wanting and working to make.

Get quiet over the next few days. Choose your Word of the Year. Just one word. That’s all. If you need some extra guidance in your word search, download a helpful worksheet here.

Answering the questions following the list will assist you in identifying and matching you with your Word of the Year.

And please … share!  I would love to know what you came up with.