More important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity.
~ Francois Gautier ~
Getting clear is not a new concept. In fact, nearly every “step by step” program starts with the words, GET CLEAR or something similar.
I include the concept of clarity in every program I have written since I started coaching because I so strongly believe in its power to transform.
Before you start setting goals, you need to get very clear about where you want to end up. Where do you want this goal to take you?
This process in called setting an intention.
Intention is an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.
Intention starts in your head. It begins as a desire. Then, it becomes a thought that you carry with you and focus on to affect change in your life.
Whether you realize it or not, you have used intentions throughout your life. In fact, your intentions have created your current situation in life. If your intentions have been splattered, unbalanced, unstable, or unclear, then you probably haven’t had much success in reaching your goals.
For some, understanding that your thoughts have created your reality is a hard pill to swallow. But, don’t shoot the messenger. I’ve had to come to grips with this myself.
This law of intention is just like the law of gravity, whether you believe in it or not, you are still affected by it. The sooner you realize how to harness that energy of intention, the sooner you can make positive changes in your life.
When intentions are clear, everything lines up to make even the most impossible, possible. When you lack intention, you meander without focus, meaning or direction.
Imagine your intentions like a tripod. A tripod has three legs. People use tripods because the three legs provide support, stabilization and balance. The camera needs all three to focus and create a clear picture.
Similarly, your intention uses the three “legs” of desire, thoughts and focus to create clarity and stability as you move toward your desired outcomes. Without one of the three legs, your tripod becomes unstable and your intention will lose its power to manifest in your life.
Desire – In the book A Happy Pocketful of Money, there is an entire chapter dedicated to banishing the word “want” from your vocabulary.
Never want anything. Wanting makes the Universe give you the conditions that create the perpetual state of wanting. Have passion, have desire, have intentions, but want not.
Your desires are unique to you and are extremely important. You must be clear and specific about your desires. Are your thoughts saying, “I desire to lose weight”?
That statement is a general, nonspecific form of a desire. It is not detailed enough to gain a result.
Instead say, “I desire to weigh 128 pounds, fit in size 2-4, be able to fit into all the rides at Disney World, be able to purchase life insurance without a rider, be able to wear that cute little polka dot dress I have been eyeing at the department store, be healthy, be off of medications …”
The list could go on.
Are you that clear? Do you actually SEE yourself there? What does it look like? When you reach 128 pounds, what will you do every day? Where will you be?
Thoughts – This leg is a tricky one. Imagine your intentions are a white canvas, and the painting on that canvas is what you want to manifest. Your thoughts are what you think about when you see that picture.
Are your thoughts positive, or are they full of doubt and fear? Do you allow your thoughts to slip into negativity such as, “That isn’t possible! That can’t be done! There is no way I can look that good”?
Focus – This leg is LOADED. It has nothing to do with determination, but rather focus is about clarity and observation. When you are mindful of the choices you make and the actions you take in your life, you will find that you are presented with opportunities that will help you along your intention’s path. First, you must clearly see yourself. Then you will be able to see opportunities for change.
To reach your desired weight loss goals, use the three-legged tripod of intention. Align your desires, your thoughts and your focus then observe a clear picture of how intention works magic to change your life.