Life Happens

Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.
~ John Lennon ~

Mom will outlive us all.

I said those words to my siblings decades ago and little did I know the possibility of it being true would still exist this late in the game.


Sunday, November 25th, my 96 year old mother fell and was hospitalized (thankfully, no broken bones or fractures).  The four nights in the hospital were excruciating.  Mom was deteriorating fast.  She couldn’t swallow; she wasn’t drinking or eating much at all; and the prognosis was dire.  It was so critical, my brother 6000 miles away made arrangement to come see her before the expected worst happened.

Next steps were considered.  Would it be Hospice or Rehab?  She was admitted to Rehab and that first day was as bad as the hospital stay.  Yet, Mom always has a way of making the world a liar as to what happens to her.  If she is not ready for something, ain’t nothing gonna stop her.  As of my writing this, Mom is rallying.

Who knew?  Evidently, she did.

Despite her efforts, I am having to make some very hard decisions.  Throughout this experience I have thought many times how incredibly thankful I began my wholehearted living practice back in mid-2017.  It’s helped me deal with this dramatic and traumatic turn of events with a degree of grace and calmness I didn’t know I could muster.

I am still human though … during this incredibly chaotic time, I have thought various things.  One in particular is why does it seem to happen something gets in the way of my goals???

I have been planning and working on my coaching program’s major revamp with a projected January 1, 2019 release date.  At this point, that is just a dream.  I had to ask myself, what is the worst that could happen if I had to postpone?

Since my deadline was self-imposed, the worst is that I have disappointed myself for having to postpone and my readers who hoped to join me on that date.

In the spirit of wholehearted living, self-compassion needs to take the lead instead and I must grant myself some kindness, put some perspective on the situation at hand, knowing there are some circumstances beyond our control, and realize life happens to us all.

As I adjust to my “new normal” over the next few weeks, I will be focused on taking things one day at a time, letting things come forth in their time, as they were meant to be.

The key phrase is “baby steps” with my priority one right now being family first.

Not only will Camp Wholehearted release date be redefined, additionally, the Vision Board Workshop on December 13, 2018 will be scheduled for a later date.

However, my newsletter’s Wholehearted Living series will resume this upcoming Thursday with this week’s article entitled “Cultivating Calm”.

I know with all of my heart I am not the only one who has been served curve balls in life.  I have watched many in similar situations (and some way worse) and over time, things seem to always work out.  I have faith in knowing, this will smooth out and will keep you updated on Mom’s unfolding status.

I would like to reiterate how grateful I am for the Wholehearted living tools I have garnered and had at my disposal.  They have masterfully seen me through this emotionally charged and turbulent experience.

Also, I would especially like to thank you, my readers, for your patience and continued support.  Together we can learn to live life empowered and wholehearted.

8 thoughts on “Life Happens”

  1. I am so glad your Mom is rallying and doing better. She’s a fighter…you must get that from her. You are so lucky nothing was broken. Keeping you all in my prayers and family DOES come first!

    1. People say that one of my superpowers is my tenacity … I definitely do get that from Mom. She is an amazing fighter. Thank you so much for your kind words, truly appreciate them.

  2. surrounding you in hugs and prayers through yet another transition – I will be here whenever the timing is right for the pieces to come together!

    1. Thank you Laura, a voice of comfort from the distance. We are all in this together. What a beautiful tribute to our human-ness.

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