Clarity is E V E R Y T H I N G ! ! !

More important than the quest for certainty is the quest for clarity.
~ Francois Gautier ~

Getting clear is not a new concept. In fact, nearly every “step by step” program starts with the words, GET CLEAR or something similar.

I include the concept of clarity in every program I have written since I started coaching because I so strongly believe in its power to transform.

Before you start setting goals, you need to get very clear about where you want to end up. Where do you want this goal to take you?

This process in called setting an intention. Continue reading “Clarity is E V E R Y T H I N G ! ! !”

Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions

The one who asks questions doesn’t lose his way.
African Proverb ~


More than likely, you grew up thinking if you do the right things (went on a diet), you would have what you desired (a body weighing 120 pounds) and you would be the person you dreamed you’d become: (healthy, thin, happy, fun, loving, self-confident, empowered, etc). Continue reading “Create a Paradigm Shift by Asking Questions”

Word of the Year 2019: Grace

Grace has been defined as the outward expression of the inward harmony of the soul.
~ William Hazlitt ~

Late in 2009, I was in transition and at the beginning stages of quite a few different things … living in a brand-new area, becoming a single homeschooling mom, starting a new business, and settling into the role of my mother’s caregiver. Continue reading “Word of the Year 2019: Grace”