Grab a Cuppa … My Heart to Yours

My life has been a tapestry of rich and royal hue
An everlasting vision of the ever-changing view
A wondrous woven magic in bits of blue and gold
A tapestry to feel and see, impossible to hold
~ Tapestry by Carole King ~

At some point early in life, we are handed a blank tapestry. With that tapestry, we start weaving in various threads … special moments in time.

Some threads are pristine and beautifully formed … our first kiss/love, romance, children, traveling or milestones achieved. Some threads are frayed and messy … breaking up, financial crisis, moving away or losing those close to us.

Either way, they are being added to our life’s tapestry. Continue reading “Grab a Cuppa … My Heart to Yours”

What’s In My Handbag?


I ran three miles today. Finally, I said, “Lady take your purse.” ~ Emo Philips

I would love to tell you if I took my handbag to the Let’s Make a Deal show, there wouldn’t be anything I item couldn’t produce if asked.

But such is not the case.

If I had my druthers, I wouldn’t carry a purse.  In fact, during school, if it couldn’t go in one of my pockets, I didn’t need to carry it.

I am not one to take along makeup, believing instead once I have done my makeup and hair in the morning, there is no need for touchup.  ::giggle::

Until I had kids, I was able to keep the non-purse carrying philosophy.

With kids, there isn’t that luxury.

Now when we go out, I need to carry things for my Mom, so my purse is pretty much a mini suitcase.

  • Wallet
  • Fingernail file
  • Nail clippers
  • Hand sanitizer
  • Tool set to fix my glasses
  • Sunglasses
  • Keys
  • Shopping discount cards
  • Receipts
  • Water bottle
  • Phone/Bluetooth

There you have it, not all that interesting.

I would add, in selecting a purse, I look for utility and versatility using it for everything until it falls apart.  Obviously, my purse is not a fashion accessory.  HA!

Next?  Timeline of my day … now this should be interesting …

Peace Out, Biz

My Favorite Quote

Next to being witty yourself, the best thing is being able to quote another’s wit. ~ Christian Nestell Bovee


I love quotes.  For me, they are a spring board to conversation; or in my case, writing blog posts.

Quotes can inspire, motivate, or just plain make you laugh.  They can get deep enough to explain the life intricacies, or they can make absolutely no sense at all.  They are vehicles explaining some part of life at a moment when you can’t come up with exactly the right words.

Long way to say, I don’t have a favorite quote.  I have many and if I thought long and hard, I could list my favorites from different categories.

However, I decided to approach this from a different angle.  Searching my memory banks, what quotes do I use repeatedly and have for a long time.

The first quote that came to mind was learned from a friend’s father when I was 16. I remember it being impactful upon hearing it.  I stopped and said, “Wow, that was profound!”

Wish in one hand, #$%@ in the other, see which one fills up faster.


At that moment, I learned the concept of taking action.  Action is imperative in making something happen.

The next one is my earliest recollection around the time I was in 6th grade and I heard someone say:

If you love something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it’s yours forever. If it doesn’t, then it was never meant to be.

Let it go.  If the truth be known, that is one quote I have used almost daily since then.  HA!

Tomorrow, what is in my handbag.  ‘Scuse me, but what is a handbag?  ::giggle::

Peace Out, Biz